Tuesday, July 31, 2012

They Are All The Same Right?

So I am at the gas station filling up at the gas station as I do frequently, and a gentleman gives me an engaging smile and says "I've been thinking about Solar......They are all the same right?" Being that I was in my unmarked personal vehicle, the first thought in my mind was how in the heck did he know I was involved in solar? Duhh...I'm wearing my Energy House Solar shirt! I returned the smile with a cliff hanging...."absolutely not....." He then gave me the tell me more "yeah?"

I started off with the analogy, most guys remember the first time they began to shop for a ring for their significant other and they thought they are on the right track until an experienced mind stops or "saves" you. They sit you down and explain that all diamonds are not created equal. This same analogy applies to Solar. Most of the industry is using inexpensive Asian manufactured panels rated at 14% efficiency. We use Sunpower Solar the worlds most powerful solar. Not to mention most Sunpower panel efficiency ratings start at 19%.  This means we can use less panels to do the same job as a competitor. Sunpower solar holds over 120 patents, last longer than other panels, and is simply a better built panel. They are a global company, but many folks are happy to hear there is US manufacturing of the panels in our very own Silicon Valley.

There are many ways to go solar and with Sunpower all of them are consumer friendly options. However the most popular is the Zero down leasing option. It's an easy way to go solar with no money out of pocket. It also addresses the many concerns consumers have about leasing with consumer friendly solutions.

Our short conversation left the gentleman wanting more info, so we exchanged info, shook hands and set up a time for him to see how Sunpower can harness the power of the sun to start saving..

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm A Little Stressed

"I'm a little stressed".......This is what your pool is telling you through our current heat spell. Think about the reality of what your pool is saying....it's over 100 degrees, and chlorine is leaving your pool with the quickness, couple this with a lot of pool activity....and yeah I think I understand.

On a hot day chlorine leaves your pool at a faster rate than normal. As a matter of fact, the sun is the arch enemy of chlorine. This is why we have you add cyanuric acid which also goes by the name of stabilizer. As long as your CYA or stabilizer level is over 40 you are good. A good analogy is stabilizer is like sunglasses for the chlorine in your pool. Most chlorine has stabilizer in it so unless it's a fresh fill on your pool chances are you are just fine.

Pool activity also uses chlorine at a faster rate. During times of elevated temps or heat waves, pools generally get more usage. And with more usage this puts stress on the chlorine's ability to sanitize and thusly more chlorine is used. To combat this inevitability I highly recommend a higher dose of chlorine during this period.

So, since your pool can't actually tell you what's going on verbally, it's going to "sign" you. Here are the signs....cloudy water, high rate of chlorine usage, slightly green tinged and cloudy,  and a possible slight odor. One way or another, you will get a sign. Listen and react without haste because this is also know as a pre-algae condition. Once you get algae, the remedy can be expensive so prevention is the best policy. Any questions regarding this or any other pool or spa chemistry issue, give us a call 559.432.1500.

See ya soon..